DS2XL Class Library  

DS2XL Members

DS2XL overview

Public Constructors

public constructorDS2XL Constructor Initializes a new instance of the DS2XL class.

Public Properties

public propertyAddCSVQuotes Defines if double quotes will be placed around all the values during export of the data into CSV file format.
public propertyBinaryFormat Gets or sets format of the binary data in an output export result.
public propertyChunkSize Gets or sets size of the chunk of data in a number of rows.
public propertyColWidths Gets or sets collection of the columns widths for the spreadsheets.
public propertyCSVDelimiter Gets or sets a delimiter character inside of the file during export of the data into CSV file format.
public propertyEncoding Gets or sets encoding of the output during export of the data into CSV or HTML file formats.
public propertyOptimizeForSize Gets or sets a mode for the export of the data as the optimized for size.
public propertyRowHeights Gets or sets collection of the rows heights for the spreadsheets.
public propertySplitIntoChunks Gets or sets a mode for the export of the long DataTable or DataView objects
public propertyStyles Gets or sets collection of the styles applied against data in the spreadsheets.

Public Methods

public methodExport Overloaded. Exports DataSet, DataTable or DataView into the file using specified format.
public methodExportToStream Overloaded. Exports DataSet, DataTable or DataViewinto specified format and returns result as a stream.

Public Events

public eventExportComplete Occurs when export from the DataSet, DataTable or DataView has been completed.
public eventExportProgress Occurs after a row has been created inside of the exported file/stream.

See Also

DS2XL Class | VM.xPort Namespace